The 200th Draft

Professor Eugene Fama explains the rigorous process and many drafts that he and Professor Ken French exchange when working on an academic paper.

Empirical Work

Professor Eugene Fama and David Booth discuss the role of empirical research and the importance of determining whether what you see in the data is just a chance result or systematic.

Empirical Work

Professor Eugene Fama and David Booth discuss the role of empirical research and the importance of determining whether what you see in the data is just a chance result or systematic.

Things Really Add Up Over Time

David Booth discusses how Dimensional looks to add value at every step of the investment process, from portfolio construction to implementation to operations, in an effort to deliver higher returns for investors.

Things Really Add Up Over Time

David Booth discusses how Dimensional looks to add value at every step of the investment process, from portfolio construction to implementation to operations, in an effort to deliver higher returns for investors.

Things Really Add Up Over Time

David Booth discusses how Dimensional looks to add value at every step of the investment process, from portfolio construction to implementation to operations, in an effort to deliver higher returns for investors.

Things Really Add Up Over Time

David Booth discusses how Dimensional looks to add value at every step of the investment process, from portfolio construction to implementation to operations, in an effort to deliver higher returns for investors.

The Impact of Indexing

David Booth reflects on the early days of indexing and explains its significance and impact on the investment world.

The Impact of Indexing

David Booth reflects on the early days of indexing and explains its significance and impact on the investment world.

The Holy Grail

Eugene Fama characterizes Dimensional’s view of risk and return and the robust nature of the research supporting the drivers of expected returns.